already 7 months - well almost 8! He is on the move everywhere these days. He is very into his toys and can figure out what to do with each. He loves his Wood beads that wind through the metal. He knows just how to push the bead through. He also loves his ABC ball and Baseball tee. He has figured out to how crawl - well army crawl that is - his way over to his toy basket and pull out the toys he wants to play with. He also loves to go the the park and swing on the swings. He just laughs and laughs and laughs as we keep pushing him. He is such a sight to see when he is on the swing!!! As you can see from this picture below he crawls up onto the basket but then doesn't know how to get down. He ofcourse breaks into tears and we can't help but laugh at him. We know we know how mean are we...
our garden or more so he loves to eat the leaves and grass around the area. Our big project last fall and this spring/summer has been redoing our flower box out front. It has turned out great! We also did veggie garden too. We are excited to teach cooper all about gardening and growing in the seasons ahead!
Auntie Ashley spotted a great bath chair (a circle thing he sits in and it keeps him upright) at a garage sale. This is his new favorite way to take a bath... he bring his rubber duckie and floating books and plays away. He was in there over a half hour the other night - we had to drag him out. He has also figured out how to take of his socks and leave them everywhere - just like his papa! He is 'talking' more and more every day - he says mama and dada - often in a babbling way but that is okay right!?!
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