Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2nd tooth already!

Well our little weeman continues to keep up the growing. he popped he 2nd bottom tooth on sunday. we looked around 3 oclock and it wasn't there and at 4 it was! what a growing man! he got to meet his 2nd cousin ainsley this past week she is 21 months and loved her "baby coopter"! we had a lot of fun with her in town.

we also took cooper to his 3rd twins game - we went w/ my aunt dana, uncle mark, cousins sierra and slate. the smoked the rangers! cooper loved it. slept for a while, ate, looked around wide eyed and then slept again. 3rd twins game in 5 months of age. amazing!

Coop is also rolling everywhere! he still hasn't really figured out the sitting up piece of things so we'll keep practicing that. one of his favorite new things is cuddling in bed in the mornings with mommy and papa. we know we know bad habit but it is so fun! today he let me feed him at 7:30 and then we went back to sleep until 10:15!!! no complaints on my behalf!!!

Hope you are enjoying the sunny days!

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